Driving lessons in Canterbury, Whitstable, Herne Bay and the surrounding areas.
Call: 01227 451782 or 07770 797954
Email: info@gushiltondrivingschool.co.uk
Mail: 27 Gordon Road, Canterbury, CT1 3PW
As we emerge from lockdown and look to begin lessons again it is vital that we all minimise the risks to ourselves and those around us, something that is potentially tricky within the confines of a vehicle. With this in mind it is essential that the following points are adhered to.
If you or a member of your household is a keyworker or working on the frontline of Covid 19 then please let me know, as this potentially puts you in a high risk category. You will receive a phone call prior to your lesson. If you or anyone in your household develops symptoms then follow government guidelines on quarantine and treatment. In this instance driving lessons will not go ahead.
Please ensure that you wash your hands immediately before the lesson. If you choose to wear gloves please only put these on just before you enter the car.
At the start of the lesson we will, as far as possible, discuss the previous lesson and the aims for the current lesson while outside the car, at an appropriate distance, so as to minimise time in the car. If during this conversation there are any concerns regarding your health then the lesson will not go ahead.
As yet no clear guidance has been given with regard to face masks, however if you have a mask please bring it with you. I will have a supply of masks in the car. Be aware that wearing a mask can cause issues of 'fogging up' in glasses - our priority is always the safe operation of the car and consideration will be given to terminating lessons if this safety is not possible.
During the lesson windows will, as far as possible, be ajar in order to allow airflow through the vehicle.
It will not be possible to share utensils such as pens during the lesson. If you feel that you will need to write anything down or take notes then please provide your own cleaned equipment.
There will be a supply of hand sanitiser in the car. However, as manufactured sanitiser is in short supply I have been making my own which is a mixture of methylated spirits and moisturiser. This may cause an adverse reaction such as itchiness if you suffer from skin conditions such as eczema. Wherever possible please use your own sanitiser.
There will be a supply of gloves for your use. Please inform me if you are allergic to latex.
Points of contact on the car (doorhandles, levers, switches, gearstick, steering wheel, seatbelts) will need to be wiped clean every time a new person operates the vehicle, ie at the beginning and end of each lesson.
The requirements of the new 'Track and Trace' system mean that if any pupils test positive then it is likely I will be asked to self-isolate for 14 days. Clearly this has implications for the continuity of lessons, scheduled tests and the stability of the business. It is of course possible that this could occur multiple times and will be frustrating for all concerned. I can only hope that any disruption is minimal and ask for your patience if it does occur.
The continued presence of the virus is going to significantly alter the way that training takes place for the foreseeable future and I would like to thank you all for your cooperation in helping to ensure that we all stay as safe as possible.